There’s something to be said for…

Never really “fitting” the mold, I’m so grateful for where life has led me, what it’s led me through, and how I get to show up in this world as a result of what I’ve experienced.

I’ve worked for myself for over 11 years, my early years working with athletes predominately in the MMA and Jiu Jitsu communities, but as any entrepreneur knows; transition is a part of us. As my love for travel slowly grew my online community, and as my experience running a business lent itself to support others I found my career transitioning into the creative and incredibly fulfilling place it is now:

As Creator Coach, Podcaster, Photographer, Content Creator, Producer, Writer, freediver, and mom to 4;

I love helping others communicate their message with authenticity and emotion in a way that allows humanity to learn from, be inspired by, and connect with them in an authentic way. I have a deep love for humanity and the ocean and find my most treasured moments of peace within its depths, I love using my talent both above and below the water to create and produce unique artistic moments that inspire others to pursue their own passions as well.

I specialize in connecting and producing relevant, responsible, and marketable content both on my own and alongside my production team; both for myself and the brands and clients I get to partner with. I deeply value the connection I have built and continue to grow with my community on social media and my podcast, and the opportunity it affords me to share my experiences with and support others.


- Your fellow human, Lianna